
We make PR and marketing work for our own firm too. As a writer, speaker and columnist, Cheryl Isen has authored a regular feature called Executive Insights, for the Puget Sound Business Journal, and has also appeared on radio and at events. Here is a sampling of her work and ideas.
October 2012

Are You Muddling Your Marketing?

Puget Sound Business Journal

August 2012

What Great Magazine Editors Can Teach You about Websites

Graydon Carter, Rick Stengel & Jane Berentston are each award-winning editors (Vanity Fair, Time and Inc. Magazine, respectively). Although magazines and websites are different, I have to wonder, if a magazine can cause you to stop, look, read and buy, why do so many companies fail to look to them for marketing inspiration? Read more…

July 2012

Brand Repositioning: When Does Your Business Need It?

Puget Sound Business Journal

May 2012

Three Steps to Aligning Marketing Strategy and Execution

I see it all the time. Company marketing grinds to an inefficient halt for one simple reason–it starts with the last step first, execution. This happens when marketing is driven by a need, instead of a strategy. Read more…

February 2012

What Marketing Can Learn from Reporters

Puget Sound Business Journal (PDF)