
August 13, 2012

What Magazine Editors Can Teach You About Websites

If you want to develop a great website you should know who Graydon Carter, Rick Stengel & Jane Berentston are. Each is award-winning editor (Vanity Fair, Time and Inc. Magazine, respectively), that can teach a lot about website marketing.

Although magazines and websites are different, if a magazine can cause you to stop, look, read and buy, why do so many companies fail to look to them for marketing inspiration?

Typically business websites address the—who, what, when, where, why and how, but miss the most important ingredient of all—the sizzle. Perhaps some businesses are just too insular. While they may look to the competition for ideas, they miss finding true inspiration by not looking outside the box.

Magazines covers and articles provide great examples for how to move a website from boring to engaging. Editors, photographers and headline writers have been mastering their craft for years. The skills they use to engage and sell are exactly what every website strives to achieve.  

If you are ready to move your website from a yawn to a wow, read Cheryl Isen’s August Executive Insights column published in the August issue of The Puget Sound Business Journal.
